Coffin Hop is over! Booooo! The only thing I can say is that I wish it had gone on for a little longer, so I could have visited more sites while the cool giveaways were still happening. The best thing about the hop, though (besides the terrific badges) is that we can still visit the amazing writers who participated and get to know them that much better. Second best thing: there's going to be another one next year.
(Third best thing: I befuddled many people this past week by using the phrase "I've been coffin hopping" out of context.)
I absolutely loved the answers everyone gave to the question of what you'd like to be buried with. You guys made my Halloween with your awesome, Klingon-funeral wanting, bury-me-with-books needing ways. I love you all equally, but (dum dum dum!):
The winner of the One Buck Horror e-zine collection and the tiny copy of The Ancient Mariner is: Deborah Walker, aka Kelda Crich. Congratulations! I'll be in touch.
As a side note, the response that won my foul little heart was
Anthony J Rapino's:
I'd like to be buried naked on a bed of red leaf lettuce. I should shimmer with a sweet glaze of honey (raw and unprocessed please). At my side I'd like a quart of barbeque sauce and some celery sticks.
Bon appetit.
You are sick, sir. And I salute you.
In other news, I won a skill-based ("skill-based") Coffin Hop contest over at
Macromere Press, publisher of David Ewald's
He Who Shall Remain Shameless. The book consists of fictional conversations with real-life dead people. The contest required you to name a deceased real-life person who you would like to see in the book, and give some reason why. I gave
the creepiest answer I could muster, and I won some Amazon dollars for my troubles. I picked up a copy of
He Who Shall Remain Shameless with it, because it looks smart and concerns some profound themes and I want to read it and you should too.
Finally, it is that time of year when we lose our heads and decide to write a novel. It's okay, though, because
everybody's doing it. And yes, I would jump off a bridge if everyone else was. Hey, swimming together is fun! Posting in November will probably concern NaNoWriMo exclusively, so if you're not into it, you might want to duck and cover because it is going to get obnoxious in here.