
13 January 2013


Oh joy! Oh bliss! So there's this new horror movie, Mama, coming out. Guillermo del Toro produced it, and I must say I'm excited. It's been a tricky couple of weeks over here at command central, since we haven't been able to haul ourselves out to the movie theatre. Yesterday we seriously considered Zero Dark Thirty or Gangster Squad...such is our sadness. It's been all downhill since Django Unchained.

Anyhoo, a new horror movie with del Toro's thumbs up is all good to me. Here's a little taste of the short film that inspired it.



  1. What I've seen is certainly creepy! I dig Del Toro's style, I must say, but I reckon I'll have to see this while there's daylight still outside. (I heart supernatural/paranormal/monster horror but am cursed with being very easily wigged out!) :-)

  2. What is it about loving horror and being super prone to the freakout? I am exactly the same way. I can tolerate the gross-out, but supernatural things that go bump in the night really scare me. In a way, I feel sorry for people who are all, "oh, that's not scary at all." They will never know the thrill of having a megaton of adrenaline zipping through your system while watching a scary movie. On the other hand, they can probably manage a good night's sleep afterward.

  3. ROTFL, then I'm not alone! :-)

    I dunno, I feel like folks who claim to not be frightened, or even startled by horror flicks are the same ones who always claim to have seen the plot twist coming, know what I mean? It's like...they don't ever really suspend (maybe surrender?) their disbelief. Anyway, I agree with you: those cats may never connect with a film enough to lose control of their bodily functions. A shame, really. ;-)

  4. LOL, no way, you're not alone at all! I am the most giant scaredy cat.

    Yes to people who don't suspend their disbelief. I think there's a certain cynicism in our culture, a belief that it's cool to act like everything is droll and dull and predictable, as if thinking that makes you wise. Way too often I feel like a bit of a fool for liking certain films or whatever. Even if they're flawed or cheesy, I usually get caught up in the romance of it all, even if it's just a silly horror show. I'm super emotional too. It goes with the territory. I figure that being able to feel things deeply has got to help the whole writing thing, though, right? Right?

  5. "I think there's a certain cynicism in our culture, a belief that it's cool to act like everything is droll and dull and predictable, as if thinking that makes you wise."

    ^Exactly this. Fie on them. Where are their books/movies/music albums??? NOWHERE. I have more respect for a simple, "I didn't care for X, Y, or Z," about a particular work of creative expression, but flat dismissals and insults don't impress me.

    "I figure that being able to feel things deeply has got to help the whole writing thing, though, right? Right?"

    Quite right, Ms. Twist. Quite right, indeed.

  6. I am a total chicken who loves horror movies! As soon as I saw the commercial for this on TV awhile back I wanted to see it...I might have to wait for DVD, though, so I can watch it with the lights on... :)

  7. That is so scary. The way that Mama moves. The fear of the girls. Very creepy.

  8. @Madeline: I love that you're a chicken who loves horror movies! Join the club! (We should get a t-shirt made up or something.)

    @Debs: I thought it looked great. Cynical you-tubers disagree, but I think they're just jealous.

  9. I'll second the t-shirt idea, only, you know, please don't make it too scary. ;-)

  10. Maybe a blogfest for horror-loving chickens? I can see that working out well!
