
15 November 2011

It's Like That...and That's the Way It Is: NaNoWriMo Day...wait, what day is it?

My story takes place in the Medieval period, so my musical choices are limited, but if I could send my characters to a dance hall sometime in the late 1980s, I would have them moving to this, although maybe not as stylishly as the Red Army:

Sunday's word count took me to 39444. Monday took me to 43812. I'm a little less than a day behind, hoping to pass the mighty 50k by the end of tomorrow's writing. 


  1. You are so close now!!!!

  2. Those are guys are hot, and you are on fire. Did you get my package yet?

  3. Thanks, guys!

    Not yet, Tash. I will definitely let you know when it arrives!
