
05 November 2011

Dangerous on the Dance Floor (NaNoWriMo Days 3 and 4)

I am buckling down, my pretties. Yesterday, NaNoWriMo day three, my word count was at 11 957. Today was not an awesome day for writing - Fridays and weekends tend not to be, because that's when I do the majority of my teaching - but I am still ahead of the 100k in 30 days quota at 13 599. After working with my primary MC for the last three days, I've introduced someone new. Someone fabulous. 

I've started making a list of perfectly logical consequences of the way magic works in the story. I can't wait to swing these consequences on my characters. It's going to be awesome, and should make things much, much worse for them. I've named the list "Gruesome Discoveries." In honour of the list, here are my favourite pictures from an image search for "gruesome discoveries." Enjoy, and happy writing.



  1. Love the snow white pic! Good luck with your challenge - sounds like you're on track.

  2. I love those pics. hilarious! Love the muppeticide one. hehe.

    GREAT JOB on your word count!!! I'm a little bit ahead after today, but I wouldn't say hugely. I'm happy though. I had to take a 1.2k break for the short story writing thing...but I wrote within the world I'm using for NaNo, using the same characters, so I hope to be able to stick it in my novel somewhere. At the very least to get me across the 50k mark. I can always take it out again later. hehe
