
30 September 2011

The Other Daughter in EC's Cinderella Issue

Hooray!  My story, "The Other Daughter," along with the others in the Cinderella issue of Enchanted Conversation, is up today.

You won't believe how incredibly appropriate the artwork is to the story. It's perfect.


  1. I still hold that it's a lovely story!

  2. Ha - thank you, and thanks for commenting twice!

  3. Where the heck have you been? I've been stalking you all over the internet! =) I'm looking forward to reading this as I just finished a story called the "The Last Nephew" which I found INTRIGUING! Congrats on "The Other Daughter" and look forward to more!

  4. Hi, Autumn! I was away for much of September, in a far-north location that is completely off the grid. Heaven! But thank you for letting me know that you missed me...makes me feel better about being back home. And thanks for reading my stuff.

  5. This was just, wow. I thought it really wove a spell around the orginal tale. Nice.

  6. Thanks for joining my blog, Elizabeth! Love your blog site and the pics are super! Cheers and hope to stay in touch, Joseph (stories n' tales in spotlights!) :)
