
20 July 2011

How You Found Me

Further to L.G. Smith's post on Bards and Prophets about the surreal contents of her search statistics, I bring you the following (and welcome, if any of you came to me via any of these):

feng shui writers
dose [sic] dan aykroyd strangle albert brooks?
people who liked when dan aykroid [sic] strangled albert brooks
bubonic plague
chakra-caduceus images
friendly tulpa
fisticuffs queensbury
hair shirt might

That last one is the most uncanny for me. The short story I wrote based on my Hair Shirt blog post was called "Hair Shirt Day."

It's like I've already got a reader for it, and it isn't even published yet.

To date, my most popular post is by far The Broken Aquariums of Will Ferrell. It's about a Boston Terrier snore-induced dream. I'm pretty sure that just about everyone who stops by to read it is confused and disappointed. Then again, a little cognitive dissonance is good for the soul, right? 


  1. I've got over 4000 views since the end of February for just one post entitled I Hate Exclamation Marks (And Here's Why).

    I imagine my blog misdirected a great deal of people just looking for some grammar rules.

    Another really popular post of mine was "Seven Ways Sex and Writing are Exactly Alike", although I completely understand why that got the amount of clicks that it did :p

  2. I've thought about installing a widget to help track where people come from. I just never get around to it. Which do you use?

  3. I seriously need to come up with better titles for my blog posts.

  4. Elizabeth, I just knew you would have some weird searches in your statistics. What, nothing for saline forehead injections?

    Hahaha. Those are some good ones. What the hell are chakra-caduceus images? Off to Google it. I may be back in a few minutes. LOL.

  5. I am receiving a lot of "canadian surrealist porn" searches (over 60 in a month), most of it because fellow blogger Margo left the words three times in the comment. It's hilarious. XD

  6. @Brad: I kind of love that your exclamation mark post has gotten so much attention. Nice.

    In the name of boosting (or should I say "fluffing") our stats, I propose an "and sex" blogfest, in which we incorporate the word "sex" into each of our blog post titles. Any takers?

    @Michael: I just use Blogger's in-house stats. From your dashboard, click on the "Stats" tab - it's the last tab on the right. If you select "More" under "Traffic Sources," you should be able to see a list of referring sites and keywords searches that led people to your blog.

    @Milo: Two words: "and sex."

    @L.G.: Last week I had "saline forehead injections." Hope you enjoy your chakra-caduceus scavenger hunt!

    @Claudie: Nice. I might stop by and leave a couple more Canadian surrealist porn comments. I am loving that somewhere, out there, someone is searching for Canadian surrealist porn. I hope they're finding what they're looking for.

  7. Some very unique ones in there! I haven't looked at my stats for ages, but you've inspired me to go and have a look now...
