
27 June 2011

One Buck Horror Released, and Japanese Body Modification

My story "The Last Nephew" appears in the first issue of One Buck Horror, which is available for, uh, one buck at Barnes and Noble or Amazon. You get some gruesome cover art and five tales of terror, including mine, plus the karmic benefits of supporting a fledgling magazine.

Over the weekend while I was scouring the nether regions of the internet (it's stinky down there: internet, you need a shower), I came across some info on extreme body modification in Japan at Vice Style. This article focuses on people who get saline injected into their foreheads in order to alter their appearance. The effect apparently lasts the better part of a day, until your body slowly absorbs the fluid.

The bagelhead look is not the only option, but it's popular.
What's most interesting about the article is the tension between Japanese body modification enthusiasts, journalists who cover them, and mainstream Japanese culture. I find the idea of a temporary but extreme modification really interesting. The saline injections are relatively harmless but I would imagine that most people would find the idea pretty squicky. At the same time, the usual parental / authority figure objections don't apply here. Isn't the permanence of tattoos and piercings the basis for most arguments against them?


  1. Uh, I'm all for body piercings and tattoos, but saline injections? That's just weird. You gotta stop trolling the bottom of the internet. There's some crazy fish swimming down there. :P

  2. Trolling the bottom of the internet (har har, pun) is a bad habit, I know. But how else shall I find inspiration for weirdness?

  3. Wow. I never would have thought about injecting saline into my forehead. The effect is pretty weird, but seems pretty harmless. The bagel head thing just looks silly to me. Very interesting article. Thanks for sharing your findings from the dirty underbelly of the internet!

  4. they look like star trek extras ... seems like the people who do the injections should set up booths at Cons

  5. Fabulous news about One Buck Horror. Can't wait to read your story, Elizabeth.

  6. Did I say, whooo-hoooo? You must be so excited, Elizabeth. And it looks like it's climbing up the amazon charts. I'm going to buy it today, first must get my story out to Enchanted Conversation.

  7. Congrats on your story. I've already purchased the issue.

  8. Congrats on your story!

    Wow, those saline injections are crazy. What would happen if you stuck a pin in the bagel? Would they spring a leak?
