
07 March 2011

Buffy Giveaway Winner

Hooray! It's Monday and time to reveal the name of my Buffy Giveaway Winner!

Sorry, Buffy: it's not you.
Through an extremely scientific process, I wrote down the names of all the lovely and charming and talented entrants on green slips of paper. Lacking a hat, I folded them and put them on my lunch plate, which is on my desk on a notebook:

I tossed the slips around with my fingertips until one flew off the plate. Survival of the fittest! or something.  The winner is...

Congratulations, Trisha! Check your email inbox.

Thanks for playing, everyone!


  1. Seems fair, and so pretty. Well done, Trisha.

  2. Thank you so much!! :D I'm excited. And I love your pictures of the process ;)

  3. There's a lovely blog award waiting for you, Elizabeth.

  4. Congrats, Trisha!! I love Buffy! Enjoy ~ :)
