
11 February 2011

The Crusade Boat is Leaving the Harbour

For the sake of making the Writers' Platform-Building Crusade functional, Rachael at Rach Writes is closing the Crusade list tomorrow night:

Because the Crusade is not just about getting heaps and heaps of followers though I can’t help but squee when I see all your followers go up, I’ve had to make a big decision. So...I’m going to close the List of Crusaders. Not something I thought about before, but it will mean you all have the chance to get to know the Crusaders who’ve already joined, without having to spend your time keeping track of new Crusaders who join as the weeks go by. And I’ll be able to spend more time getting to know you, without all the administration required when new Crusaders sign up.

I know some of you haven’t filled out the form yet, so I’ll keep the List of Crusaders open until 11.59pm (EST) on Saturday, February 12.

Go get it while the getting's good!


  1. I wonder how many total will be signed up by the time the list closes. The Crusade is just starting and I've already found some great new blogs. :)

  2. I don't know, Tina. It's getting rather massive as it is. Colour me excited.

  3. Hey there fellow Crusader! Nice to meet you :)

  4. Go Crusaders!!

    saw you on twitter. Just curious, when you say plague enthusiast does that mean you like history ?

    sorry just wondering

    good luck with the crusade, have put a link to your site on my blogrol

    Constance (@pixieleigh7)

  5. Hi Michelle! Welcome.

    Constance, I'm following you on Twitter and your blog...if anyone else wants to meet up on Twitter, please just follow me via my sideabar!

    Re: plague enthusiasm, my grad studies were in English lit. I wrote my thesis on bubonic plague and syphilis and how they affected English culture in the 16th and 17th centuries. So...yes! I'm into history, you could say. But my main focus was plays and playwrights.

  6. Ah, the Great Mortality. It's an intriguing subject. I was born in Derbyshire, home of Eyam where the people infected with plague chose to seclude themselves.

  7. p.s. - oh, that Eyam!

    Yes, I do recall seeing some information on that before. The 1665-6 outbreak was actually a little late for my research. Early modern theatre studies has a natural cutoff point in 1642, when theatres were closed.

    But Eyam's choices are fascinating. It's unclear to me whether they were trying to avoid letting more plague in, or trying to avoid passing it on.

  8. Ah..... interesting subject.
    I am an ex history teacher (studied history and classics and early modern English literature).

    Nice to meet you and good luck from a fellow crusader!


  9. Wow, Constance. And you're a nurse / other medical type person now? You must have an amazing amount of information to draw on for your writing.

  10. Lol,

    why do you think i am writing a book that revolves around high school and a cancer ward. :-)

    yep very handy. Knowing what goes on in the teachers heads (and staff room) is very handy.

    Now i just need to be a family lawyer for this book and i am set!!!


  11. (If you saw the earlier comment by my alias, please disregard! We aren't meant to be sharing the same e-space. Worlds might explode!)

    I meant to say: Constance, get going on lawyer school! Your book won't wait forever! ;)
