
11 April 2014

I'll Tell You What

So April has slapped me upside the face with a wet fish (metaphorically speaking), and I've gotta slow down a little. Everything is fine. Great, even. I'm so glad people are enjoying the elephant animations, and I have to say, I am having an absolute blast doing them. So much so, I want to ease back on the pace a little.

At the beginning of the month I decided to finish my page-a-day novel this month, which will mean that some days, it needs to be a two-page-a-day novel. I didn't count on how much I would enjoy doing the animations, although I did suspect that they would be somewhat time consuming (they are, although not as much as one would think). So in the name of sanity I'm going to ease up on the pace, but continue to release an animation once or twice a week, so I can finish the little elephant's story in style and still finish my novel by the end of the month. New characters (direct from some Renaissance manual on swimming - I kid you not) are coming up in the next animation.

If you're here via A to Z, I guess I'm sort of withdrawing, but I'll be popping by your places through the linky list throughout the rest of the month. I want to see what you've got. Hope you make a habit of stopping by here from time to time.

09 April 2014


Okay braniacs: your definition for the day. "Euphotic" is the name for the zone of the ocean (or a lake) exposed to enough sunlight for photosynthesis to occur. It is also the most beautiful word that is also an underwater term that I could use for today's animation.

In case you missed the previous installments:
Part One: Admit One
Part Two: Banished
Part Three: Coastal
Part Four: Deluge

08 April 2014


Is anyone else late with their A to Z posts? I'm late, but here's the "d" entry. (Congrats if you've got a dirty enough mind to titter there. Me too.)

Things are not looking good for our little elephant today.

In case you missed the earlier entries, there is a story here, and it might help to start at the beginning, unless you just enjoy looking at altered vintage postcards.

Part One: Admit One
Part Two: Banished
Part Three: Coastal

So I'm having fun playing with images. This is an ongoing story I'm just going to try to enjoy putting together. Sometimes I think we don't play enough, especially those of us who are semi-serious or super-serious about one art form or another. If you don't play, the writing gets stale, though. Right? Let us not become stale.

02 April 2014


This is the story of an elephant, told entirely in pictures. Although he is the main character, he isn't always in the foreground.

Part One: Admit One
Part Two: Banished


This is the story of an elephant, told entirely in pictures. Though I've taken the images from various copyright-free sources, the animations are mine. I'm really curious to see what happens to this story throughout the rest of the month. I've planned tomorrow's part, and I've got a broad sketch outline of what I think will happen, but one never knows. Enjoy!

Part One: Admit One

Part Two: Banished:

01 April 2014

Admit One

This is the story of an elephant, told entirely in pictures. Though I've taken the images from various copyright-free, mostly vintage sources, the animations are mine. I'm really curious to see what happens to this story throughout the rest of the month. I've planned tomorrow's part, and I've got a broad sketch outline of what I think will happen, but one never knows. Enjoy!

Hello all, and welcome!

If you're new to this blog, greetings! I'm a writer of speculative fiction. This month I've decided to do something a bit outside of my comfort zone: telling a story through animated pictures. I hope you'll find this a welcome respite from all the gobs of text you'll be absorbing throughout A to Z.